Call for consultancy on nutrition accountability framework and ecosystem

  • Publication date : 2024/03/20
  • Deadline for submission of offers : 2024/04/08 COB
  • Contact for submission :
  • Entity : Action Against Hunger France
  • Duration of the contract : 35 days
  • Subject : Call for consultancy on nutrition accountability framework and ecosystem
  • Publication Reference : FR-PA-DEP-202403
  • Description succincte / Brief description : ACF’s Accountability Task Force requested the consultant to carry out a analysis of nutrition accountability. The consultant’s task will be first to define rigorously what is covered by accountability, then to identify existing accountability frameworks and tools to analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Then the core of the consultant’s work will be to determine what civil society needs and what it is lacking to enable it to monitor and evaluate political and financial nutrition commitments. Finally, the consultant will have to identify the barriers and needs to ensure that governments can provide effective, complete and transparent accountability.

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