HULO – External Evaluation InnovLog Project

The main objective of this evaluation is to provide hulo and BHA with an assessment of the project, its design, implementation, and results. The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfilment of objectives, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, coherence, and sustainability of the project. The evaluation should provide information that is evidence-based, credible and useful, enabling the incorporation of lessons learned into the future decision-making processes of hulo and the donor.


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3 questions à Emilie Durochat, ancienne membre du Comité de décision FRIO (2020-2023), Déléguée…

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3 questions à Géraldine Rippert, ancienne membre du Comité de décision FRIO (2022-2023), Responsable…


[Webinaire] Capitalisation FRIO – Gouvernance & Sociocratie – 27 mars à 17h