le 01/06/2021

Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs – Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA)

The Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) is a key project for intercultural dialogue of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. The award honours successful and innovative projects in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue, both in Austria and on a global scale.

The award is open to all those who identify and make use of opportunities which positively shape intercultural co-existence. It also rewards those who successfully break new ground in intercultural dialogue, who have mastered a specific challenge through intercultural action, and who promote the dialogue of cultures and religions through their media presence.

What are the requirements ?

We are looking for both large and small projects implemented by organisations or individuals. The IAA specifically promotes intercultural and interreligious projects in the fields of Arts/Culture, Youth, Human Rights, Global Citizenship Education and Integration. The projects need to be either in the process of being implemented or already completed.

Who is eligible to apply?

Applications are open to both non-profit organisations (including non-governmental organisations as well as associations, foundations, charitable educational institutions or religious organisations) and commercial organisations. Individuals from civil society can also participate. Applications are not open to governmental, scientific, research and international institutions.

Which prizes are awarded?


  • Category Sustainability: “Best ongoing project on the cross-cutting topic of environment and interculturality”
  • Category Recent Events: “Best project with reference to the priority theme 2021 Covid-19 pandemic
  • Category Technology: “Best application of technology in the context of an intercultural project”
  • Category Innovation: “Most innovative intercultural project”
  • Category Media: “Best media contribution for intercultural understanding”


  • Special prize: « Integration in Austria »
  • Special prize: “Best Austrian project”

Specific criteria have to be met for each category. Applications for both special prizes are only possible for Austrian organizations/citizens. There will only be one winner per category.


Deadline : 6 June 2021

Further information

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