le 14/01/2025

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme : Support European networks, civil society organisations active at EU


The objective of this call is to protect, promote and raise awareness of rights by providing financial support to civil society organisations active at local, regional, national and transnational level in promoting and cultivating those rights.

The call thereby also aims at strengthening the protection and promotion of Union values including respect for the rule of law and contributing to the construction of a more democratic Union, democratic dialogue, transparency as well as good governance.

The call intends to set up 3-year framework partnership agreements with European networks, civil society organisations active at EU level and European think tanks, and to increase the capacities of the framework partners to contribute actively to the development and implementation of EU policies.


Framework partners are expected to help to achieve at least one of the following objectives:

• Building the capacity of national, regional and local organisations working in the areas covered by the grant;

• Building and increasing the capacity of network partners to develop coherent and coordinated activities that promote the relevant policy objectives;

• Expansion of the network’s reach, including new partners;

• A measurable increase in the impact of the network’s activities in the relevant policy areas;

• Providing a link between research and policymaking at European level, which helps find solutions to problems;

• Facilitating interaction between citizens, academia and decision-makers.

Under the re-granting option, network members that receive a grant from a framework partner are expected to help to achieve at least one of the following objectives:

• Strengthened capacity to protect and promote rights and EU values;

• A more supportive environment for CSOs and human rights defenders, such as national human rights institutions;

• A more developed advocacy and watchdog role for CSOs;

• Increased involvement of CSOs in policy- and decision-making processes with local, regional, and national governments;

• Increased citizens’ awareness of EU rights and values;

• Strengthened national, regional and local cooperation within civil society.


Application deadline :
28 January 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time

Eligibility criteria:
In order to be eligible, applicants must:
  • be legal entities (private bodies).
  • be non-profit organisations.
  • be established in one of the Member State of the European Union (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)).
  • be a European network, or a civil society organisation active at EU level, or a European think tank.
  • be a single applicant; in case of European networks: only the network may submit an application; the member organisations are not eligible to

Grant amount :

There is no minimum or maximum budget. The budget depends on the specificities of each applicant organisation.

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