Supporting NGOs in Groupe SOS’s International Action Sector to Secure Funding

1/ Overview of the International Action Sector and Development NGOs

Transforming local action into systemic change, Groupe SOS strives for a fairer and greener global economy. Groupe SOS’s NGOs, associations, and social enterprises operate in more than 50 countries, partnering with local stakeholders, strengthening civil society organizations, accelerating the growth of a new generation of social, sustainable, and ecological businesses, sharing cutting-edge social and environmental innovations, and channeling finance to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The International Action Sector of Groupe SOS brings together 12 organizations, representing 500 employees active in 50 countries, with an annual budget of 29 million euros. This includes 5 NGOs in international development with a wide range of activities:  

  • People Power Inclusion (PPI)works to economically empower women, men, and local stakeholders engaged in sustainable development in Africa and the Middle East by facilitating access to finance, employment, and markets; 
  • Planète Urgence works to preserve forests and biodiversity, promote capacity-building, and increase environmental awareness through adopting a holistic approach to reforestation programs; 
  • Play International designs education and inclusion projects for young people, using sports and play as educational tools to address key issues (such as gender equality, community reconciliation, and professional integration); 
  • Pulse fosters the development of civic and entrepreneurial ecosystems in 18 countries through incubation programs and awareness-raising initiatives, both directly and indirectly through capacity-building efforts; 
  • Santé Sud works to improve healthcare services—prevention, screening, and treatment—by supporting healthcare professionals, particularly in rural areas, through a community-based approach and systemic support. 


2. Contextualizing the Request

The International Action Sector of Groupe SOS plays a key role in supporting the organizations within the sector by providing shared support services, tools, and the exchange of best practices to help develop their activities. 

The international development NGOs have recently highlighted their need to strengthen their capacity in accessing funding from international donors, with the goal of diversifying their funding sources and ensuring the sustainability of their economic model. In this context, the International Action Sector seeks to offer them tailored support aimed at:  

  • Strengthening their knowledge of how to approach and apply for funding from five key donors, chosen based on their focus areas and regions of operation, to better position themselves for future funding opportunities, 
  • Enabling each development NGO to use multiple approaches to engage with these donors: call for proposals, direct solicitation by the project lead, and/or outreach initiated at the donor’s discretion. Some donors combine all three methods, 
  • More broadly, sharing feedback and best practices to strengthen the effectiveness of their responses and fundraising efforts with international solidarity donors. 


3. Scope of the Consultancy Mission

The consultancy mission will aim to support the five NGOs in the International Action Sector in understanding the strategies, processes, and funding mechanisms of five international solidarity donors (including their strategy, activities, processes, and evaluation criteria) aligned with their priorities in terms of areas of activity and geographic focus. The goal is to assist and enhance the effectiveness of their fundraising efforts. 

The list of the five donors identified as priorities is as follows: 

  • Donor 1: Oak Foundation 
  • Donor 2: Mastercard Foundation 
  • Donor 3: Gates Foundation 
  • Donor 4: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) 
  • Donor 5: The World Bank 

The capacity-building process for the NGOs in the sector will focus on three activities detailed below: 

  • Activity No.1: A collective training session for all five NGOs in the sector, 
  • Activity No.2: Individual support for one of the sector’s NGOs to pursue funding from one of the five priority donors, 
  • Activity No. 3: A joint review and knowledge-sharing session for all five NGOs in the sector. 

The consultancy mission is divided into 5 work packages (one for each priority donor): 

Package No. Description of the package 
Package 1 Implementation of support activities (Activities 1, 2, and 3) for the strategy to engage with Oak Foundation 
Package 2 


Implementation of support activities (Activities 1, 2, and 3) for the strategy to engage with Mastercard Foundation 
Package 3 Implementation of support activities (Activities 1, 2, and 3) for the strategy to engage with the Gates Foundation 
Package 4 Implementation of support activities (Activities 1, 2, and 3) for the strategy to engage with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) 
Package 5 Implementation of support activities (Activities 1, 2, and 3) for the strategy to engage with the World Bank

The consultant or team of consultants may choose to work on one or more packages. 

4/ Description of the Consultancy Activities 

For each package, the consultant or team of consultants will be required to carry out the following activities: 

Activity No.1: (Remote) collective training for the sector’s NGOs on the funding strategies and practices of the pre-identified international solidarity donors 

  • The consultant or team of consultants will be responsible for preparing and facilitating N=1 training workshop per target donor for the sector’s NGOs, totaling N=5 workshops. 
  • Each workshop will be conducted remotely (in a hybrid format or fully online) and will last approximately 1.5 hours, prioritizing interactive facilitation techniques. Each workshop will focus on a specific donor and aim to build the capacity of the development teams in the following areas: 
    • The donor’s positioning (vision, intervention strategy in terms of activity areas and priority geographies, and types of projects supported) in relation to the intervention domains of each NGO in the sector, 
    • Key funding opportunities offered by the donor, along with an understanding of eligibility, selection, and evaluation criteria for proposals, 
    • Identification of relevant points of contact within the donor organization (structure, events, and other national and international committees), 
    • Examples of projects or project applicants previously funded by the donor, 
    • Strategic recommendations for seeking funding from the donor. 
  • At the end of each workshop, the consultant or team of consultants will be required to share the workshop materials and any additional resources, with the aim of creating a dedicated toolkit for the International Action Sector.

Activity No. 2: Individual support (remote) for the search for funding opportunities with the donor 

  • Each NGO will then receive individual support to define its engagement strategy with the target donor (identifying points of contact, presenting its value proposition, developing an action plan) and/or to jointly prepare a proposal in response to a call for proposals from one of the five donors.
  • The consultant or team of consultants will be expected to facilitate N=3 to 5 individual coaching sessions per NGO in the sector. 
  • Here is a typical outline for the individual coaching sessions in the context of responding to a call for proposals:      
    • Session No.1: Analysis of the donor’s call for proposals and the definition of the response strategy 
    • Session No.2: Interim review of the proposal 
    • Session No.3: Final review of the proposal   
  • Here is a typical outline for the individual coaching sessions outside the context of responding to a call for proposals: 
    • Session No.1: Framing the NGO’s needs 
    • Session No.2: Review of the engagement strategy and fundraising approach with the target donor 
    • Session No.3: Review of the NGO’s action plan to implement this strategy 
  • The consultant or team of consultants is expected to provide tools or templates for responses tailored to the expectations of the donor. 

Activity No. 3: Review and Knowledge Sharing  

  • The consultant(s) will be invited to participate in a collective knowledge-sharing meeting organized by the International Action Sector with the NGOs in the sector, to assess the approach taken and propose possible areas for improvement. 
  • This Activity No. 3 will be common to all packages.


5/ Expected deliverables

Activity Deliverable  Provisional Timeline 
Activity No.1 : Collective workshop Training workshop materials and additional resources March – April 2025 
Activity No.2 :  Individual support Notes from the Individual coaching Sessions, annotated proposal March – June 2025 
Activity No.3 : Review and knowledge-sharing Review note of the approach and proposed recommendations Early 2025 


6. Duration of the mission and financial terms

The mission is ideally scheduled to begin in mid-February, with the work planned to run until the end of June 2025. 

Regarding the financial terms, a maximum budget of 10,000 euros excluding VAT is allocated for the entire consultancy (implementation of activities 1 to 3 for the 5 pre-identified priority donors). » 


7. Consultant(s) / Team Profile(s)

Groupe SOS International Action is seeking consultants/teams with solid expertise and proven experience in providing strategic support to organizations in the area of funding. The ideal profile should include the following skills and qualifications: 

  • Education and experience : 
    • Advanced degree in management, business, economics, international development, or any other relevant field. 
    • At least 10 years of professional international experience in implementing economic models and funding strategies. 
  • Technical skills : 
    • Extensive knowledge of available funding sources (both private and public) in the international solidarity sector. 
    • In-depth expertise in working with one or more of the identified priority donors. 
    • Facilitation and Communication Skills: 
    • Excellent skills in moderating debates and facilitating collective discussions. 
    • Ability to synthesize complex information and produce clear, relevant, and visually effective strategic documents. 

 8/ Application Submission Guidelines 

The consultant(s) will submit a technical proposal of 10 pages maximum, which should include: 

  • Their background and detailed CV; 
  • References demonstrating their knowledge of one or more of the priority donors; 
  • References showing their ability to facilitate training/coaching; 
  • A financial offer; 
  • Any other relevant documents deemed useful.

The proposals will be analyzed by a steering committee according to the criteria below: 

  • Exclusion criteria: non-compliant, incomplete, or late submissions; 
  • Qualification criteria for the consultant: based on experience and references; 
  • Award criteria: the award will be made to the most advantageous offer, with a 70% weight on the technical quality of the proposal and 30% on pricing, within the available budget.


  • The deadline for submitting proposals is set for February 7th, 2025 
  • An interview will be conducted with the shortlisted candidates during the week of February 10th, 2025. 
  • The final decision of the selection committee will be announced no later than February 18th, 2025

Contact for submitting proposals: 

  • Applications should be sent to: 
  • Please specify in the subject line of your submission: “Groupe SOS SAI – AO Funding Strategy – Response to Package(s) XX” 

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