Occupied Palestinian Territory: An external evaluation of PUI’s project
INTIQAL 2030 is a Youth-led initiative supported by Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI),
an innovative socio-economic development program that leverages on the protection of
Cultural Heritage involving communities and local civil society stakeholders, encouraging
their interaction on archaeological sites. This initiative creates and runs a safe space in
which girls, boys, young people and families engage in concrete actions and express their
fears and hopes in a protective environment while developing their resilience following
violent or traumatic experiences.
Since 2017, the Cultural Protection Fund (CPF) has supported efforts to preserve and promote
Gaza’s cultural heritage through various activities, including capacity-building initiatives,
public engagement, and the physical preservation of archaeological sites. The CPF-funded
project aims to:
- Safeguard cultural heritage at risk for future generations.
- Build local capacity for heritage protection.
- Enhance public understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage.
The current phase of the project began in September 2022 and is scheduled to conclude by
the end of February 2025. However, the situation deteriorated following the eruption of war
on October 7, 2023, which has persisted without a ceasefire. This has severely disrupted
project activities, particularly in Gaza, where operations were suspended for security reasons.
Despite these constraints, some limited activities after October 7, 2023, were possible.
The evaluation should focus on assessing the impact, and challenges of this current phase
while considering the unprecedented disruptions caused by the conflict. It should also
evaluate the project’s ability to adapt to these constraints and ensure the preservation of
Palestinian cultural heritage amid such challenging circumstances.
The objectives of this evaluation are to:
Objective 1: Assess the Project’s Alignment with CPF Outcomes
Focus on the following CPF outcomes before and after 7 October 2023:
1. Cultural heritage at risk is safeguarded for future generations
2. Cultural heritage at risk is better managed and prepared for potential threats
3. Local people have developed skills, potentially leading to increased professional
or other opportunities
4. Local communities have a better understanding of their cultural heritage and
value it more
5. Local communities have played a more active role in protecting their cultural
heritage or sharing it with others, potentially leading to increased social cohesion
and a greater sense of well-being
Objective 2: Evaluate the Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Sustainability of Project
Objective 3: Provide Actionable Recommendations
The evaluation will cover:
- All project activities implemented since September 2022, with particular attention to
activities completed under the constraints of the conflict. - The project’s contribution to CPF outcomes, specifically:
Heritage Outcomes: Safeguarding and better management of at-risk cultural
Society Outcomes: increased skills, community engagement and social
cohesion and well-being
The alignment of the project’s outputs and outcomes with CPF objectives and its
adaptability to unforeseen challenges.
- February 10-20, 2025: Desk review, stakeholder interviews, and data collection.
- February 25, 2025: Draft evaluation report submission.
- March 1-7, 2025: Final evaluation report and deliverables submitted.
PP presentation to be confirmed
The consultant will be required to deliver:
1. Evaluation Report (20-30 pages):
A comprehensive document detailing:
- Assessment against CPF outcomes.
- Reflection on the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the
project. - Challenges encountered and how they were addressed.
2. Presentation of Findings:
- A PowerPoint summary of the key findings and recommendations.
- Presentation to project stakeholders (virtual or in-person).
Applications are solicited from highly experienced individual consultant that have substantive
knowledge in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage in conflict and post-conflict
The consultant (individual or firm) should possess:
- Extensive experience in evaluating cultural heritage and development projects. ( 10
years minimum) - Demonstrable expertise in aligning project outcomes with CPF objectives.
- Strong qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis skills.
- Familiarity with the socio-political context of Gaza.
- Excellent communication skills in English and a good command of French
Closing date for applications: 06 February 2025
Qualified candidates are requested to submit a financial proposal, cover letter, CV and a
couple of samples or previous evaluation reports via email to hr@premiere-urgence-pal.org
The consultancy shall not exceed 10,000 EUR
You can find more informations about the ToR here: Occupied Palestinian Territory: An external evaluation of PUI’s project
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